Clear Aligners

Straightening your smile can be easy, comfortable, and discreet with a clear aligner treatment from VZ Dental. Clear aligners are a popular orthodontic solution that can straighten teeth without the use of metal braces or the maintenance they require. With a properly fitted clear aligner designed by our team, you could have a shining smile sooner than you might think.

How Do Clear Aligners Work?

Clear Aligners are not one-size-fits-all. Clear aligners are specially created for each dental patient after completing a smile assessment and 3D digital scan of their teeth. Next, the clear aligner is manufactured to be exactly the right fit for the patient.

Once your clear aligners are ready, your dentist will discuss how and when you should wear it. Most patients will wear Clear Aligners whenever they are not eating, so the treatment can work as effectively and quickly as possible. When your clear aligner is in place, your teeth will naturally start to move to match the aligner, straightening your teeth gradually.

How Long Do I Have To Wear Clear Aligners?

The duration of Clear Aligners use depends on the specific needs of your dental health. Some patients wear a clear aligner for about six months, but others might need a clear aligner for more than a year.